Do You Know Where Your Orders Are?

Do You Know Where Your Orders Are?

By, Ray Scott – Senior Partner and Pat Murphy – Partner Do You Know Where Your Orders Are? Where they really are, not just where your supplier or shipper says they are? The Value of Supply Chain Visibility With increasing customer demand for fast response, smaller...
Effective Business Presentations

Effective Business Presentations

By, Steve Finkelstein – Senior Partner What Makes an Effective Business Presentation? First, what are you trying to do?  Think through your goals and objectives and plan your presentation for the time allotted.  For example: Then, follow these: PRESENTATION TIPS...
The #1 Challenge: Revenue Growth, Pt. 2

The #1 Challenge: Revenue Growth, Pt. 2

By, Steve Finkelstein – Senior Partner Develop Strategies and Metrics   In Part I of this three part series we addressed our readiness for growth by completing a SWOT analysis of our sales organization – people, process, strategy and technology.  Then we...

The #1 Challenge: Revenue Growth, Pt. 1

By, Steve Finkelstein – Senior Partner and René Vidal, M.S. Develop Strategies and Metrics In two recent surveys Revenue Growth was the #1 challenge for small business owners.  In 2015 Experience on Demand admnistered a survey across the United States to over 100,000...

Are You Getting the Most from Your Technology?

By, David Berndt – Senior Partner and IT Practice Leader Running the IT Organization Like a Business In today’s business environment, technology is critical to every function in a company.  It provides for competitive advantages over the competition; those that...