The Role of Leadership in Accountability and Execution

Question 1: Explain how you established expectations.  You did establish expectations, didn’t you? Or did you assume. . . Were the expectations you established clear? How do you know? Were the expectations understood? How do you know? Were the employees agreeable to...

Causal Factors Affecting Execution

By, Steve Finkelstein – Senior Partner There are many factors that can affect execution.  These factors can work independently or together. They can affect large, medium or small organizations. They are non-discriminatory. However, identifying the factors that affect...

Why Companies Fail to Execute Strategic Plans

From working with many companies just like yours, our experience suggests the following reasons why companies fail to execute their strategies: There are too many items on the “things-to-do” list of initiatives. To make matters worse, there is little or no...

The Right Strategic Decisions

By, Steve Finkelstein – Senior Partner Asking the right strategic questions is crucial for business game play.  The right strategic questions and your answers provide a framework from which you can prepare your company to move forward—and ahead—of the competition. ...

Efficient Ways to Utilize Networking

By, Frank Danzo – Senior Partner Measurable objectives that track performance are necessary in order to efficiently utilize networking in your selling process. The following five objectives offer a great starting point: Time Allocation. Determine how much time per...